Can anyone help me with the radio Stations Artist, Trivia, Nascar, Taylor,Andy’s Etc. for 8/4/09?
2009-08-04 03:16:28 UTC
Good Morning! a little sleep does wonders! :)

August Birthday’s & Anniversary’s: Balerie 2nd, Mary 2nd, Michael 3rd 21st! (rxtech03 son),My Anniversary our 25th! 12th, Don 15th (mr. sheb12) Molly W 15th, Mine 19th!, countryRN27 27th,

Prayers are still being said daily for all of our Trivia Friends and Family and hoping all will continue to get stronger as each day passes. Wish the list would get small one of these days, not keep getting longer! :(

Thumbs up one and all Remember to come back and give thumbs up to those who have answered after you. I pick from all over the answers! not just from the first few folks.
I also try and rotate between new and older contacts.

Any other birthdays out there I don't have and you would like me to have????

Noticed many new names welcome! and some not seen for a while, nice to see them.

Thank You all for your help! Wish yahoo would fix themselves again so we get emails on questions we want!
66 answers:
Doris H
2009-08-04 03:47:12 UTC
Good Morning

Sleuth World

WRVE 99.5 The River

YahooHotJobs: I am unemployed

Champions: B 1982

Games: Red

Hello Mr. President: C Franklin Pierce

HSW Kudzo

music: C 2006

History: A Oceanos

Video On Demand: B 3

Where in the world: A Rugby


OAR or Matt Nathanson-Matt Nathanson

625 Forgive

Prayers to all
Tiger Lilly
2009-08-04 19:47:01 UTC
Champions​​: b)​​ 1982​

Country​​ Music​​ Trivia​​: a)​​ Fun​

Country​​ Music​​ Video​​: a)​​ Coffee​

Games​​ 'n​​ eCards​​ (red)​​ Red​​

Hello,​​ Mr.​​ President​​: c)​​ Franklin​ Pierce​

Howstuffworks com​ -​ kudzu​ (ku)

Music Trivia: When did Miley Cyrus' Hannah Montana debut on the Disney Channel? c) 2006

This​​ Day​​ in​​ History​​: a)​​ Oceanos​ ​​

Where​​ in​​ the​​ World?​​ a)​​ Rugby​

Sleuth - world (wor)

Yahoo Hot Jobs Trivia: Do you expect to be working for your current employer a year from now? I am unemployed (un)

NEW New Video: Robin Williams (Wi_

SmartWay Credit Counseling: I certify that I am a US Resident (cer)

Billion Dollar Babes: birthday (bi)
2009-08-04 05:00:01 UTC
LONE STAR 92.5 - Dallas/Ft. Worth, Texas

Trivia Posted Late 08/03/2009

2500 Points New Video of the Day => Foxx

Gaylord Texan Resort => $109

Yahoo Hot Jobs => Do you expect to be working for your current employer a year from now?

It's Your Opinion Trivia => Indifferent

Trivia for 08/04/2009

Yahoo Hot Jobs => I am unemployed

Brookshire's Food & Pharmacy => backyard makeover

The Melting Pot => Garlic & Wine

Zerorez => truck mount

Babes => b) 2

Champions => b) 1982

Classic Rock Challenge => a) The Doors

Classic Video On Demand => a) Soft piano music and a view of the fireplace

Games 'n eCards Trivia => Red

Hello, Mr. President => c) Franklin Pierce Trivia => Kudzu

This Day in U.S History => a) Oceanos

Where In The World? => a) Rugby

Sleuth Trivia => WORLD (Use 8/4 & 8/5 New on 8/6)

2500 Points New Video of the Day => Check and Double Check

Billion Dollar Babes Trivia => Birthday

SmartWay Credit Counciling Trivia => I certify that I am a US Resident
2009-08-07 07:53:07 UTC
Games - red

HowStuffWorks - kudzu

Indianapolis Downtown - July 11, 1996

Million Dollar Babes - Birthday

New Video – Robin WIlliams

New Video: Check and Double Check

Sleuth - World (World is the answer again today)

Smart way - certify that I am a US Resident over the age of 18 and agree to the Privacy Policy and that I will receive special email offers from our marketing partners.

Yahoo Jobs - I am unemployed

ABC for all multiple choice
2009-08-04 16:52:35 UTC
August 4th Trivia

Yahoo Hot Jobs: I am unemployed

Champions: (b) 1982

Country Music Trivia: (a) Fun

Games: Red

Hello, Mr. President: (c) Franklin Pierce

Howstuffworks: kudzu

This Day in History: (a) Oceanos

Where in the World?: (a) Rugby

Sleuth: world

Artist: Zac Brown Band

Song: Chicken Fried
2009-08-04 06:39:50 UTC
Happy Belated Birthdays Balerie, Mary and Michael :)


7 Alright

7:15 shower

9 Sweet Thing

WW photocopier

10:15 heritage

12 Darius Rucker

2 Love Without End, Amen

2:15 comedy

4:15 capture worked

5 Who's Cheathi' Who

CCMW It's a Business Doing Pleasure With You

8:15 tractor


Maureen's Last Word - ---------------------------- worked

9 Wanted Dead Or Alive

11 Walking In Memphis

2 Cherry Bomb

6 Wonderwall

8 Learning To Fly

Leon's Word - tattoo


Bob Layton - 149

Mystery Player - Patrick is still working

Sleuth - world

Games 'n eCards Trivia - red Trivia - kudzu

Greyhound Trivia - e-ticket
Mom V
2009-08-04 15:44:50 UTC
Smartway trivia - I certify that I am a US Resident over the age of 18 and agree to the Privacy Policy and that I will receive special email offers from our marketing partners

Billion - birthday

Waxx 104.5 words

6:12 breakfast

7:12 practical

9:12 puppet

1:12 painting

4:12 world

Sleuth - world

Champions​​ - b

Country​​ Music​​ Trivia​​ -a

Games​​ 'n​​ eCards​​ - Red​​

Hello,​​ Mr.​​ President - c

Howstuffworks com​ -​ kudzu​

This​​ Day​​ in​​ History​​ -a ​​

Where​​ in​​ the​​ World?​​ a

Sleuth - world

Yahoo Hot Jobs Trivia - I am unemployed (un)

Video -Robin Williams
2009-08-04 11:18:08 UTC
Good afternoon everyone, hope you all have a great day!

Please remember to give everyone a THUMBS UP,

no matter what page they answer on. Even if you get one answer,

remember we all work hard to contribute to these sites.

These Trivia answers, words and songs are for Country 105, Q Nation Q107 and Country 95.3

If you want the answer, otherwise, just type ABC

Country Music Trivia - A

Classic Rock Challenge - A

Games 'n eCards Trivia - RED

Hello,Mr. Prime Minister - B

Let's Go Green Canada! - B

Sleuth Trivia -WORLD

This Day in Canadian History - B Trivia - KUDZU







Sunquest Relax and Tan 7:15 word - LUGGAGE

Sunquest Relax and Tan 11:15 word - COAST

Sunquest Relax and Tan 4:15 word -



Legends Lunch - JET


AC -


6:00 AM - BLUE

7:00 AM - CHAIR

8:00 AM - MOUSE

11:00 AM - PINK


2:00 PM - TABLE

4:00PM - STAND

6:00 PM - ORANGE
2009-08-04 10:09:30 UTC
Answers for CISN 103.9 Edmonton

Listen & Win

7am Song = Alright

7:15 Word = Shower

BBFF = I Know How He Feels

9am Song = Sweet Thing

Work Word = Photocopier

10:15 Word = Heritage

12pm Artist = Darius Rucker

2pm Song = Love Story

2:15 Word = Comedy

4:15 Word = Capture

5pm Song = Whatever It Is

Most Wanted = It's A Business Doing Pleasure With You

8:15 Word = Streets


Country Music = A

Games = Red

Greyhound = E-Ticket

Hello Mr. Prime Minister = B

How Stuff Works = Kudzu

Let's Go Green Canada = B

Sleuth = World

This Day In Canadian History = B

Have a great day everyone
2009-08-04 12:44:59 UTC
Yahoo Hot Jobs: I am unemployed

Champions: (b) 1982

Country Music Trivia: (a) Fun

Games: Red

Hello, Mr. President: (c) Franklin Pierce

Howstuffworks: kudzu

This Day in History: (a) Oceanos

Where in the World?: (a) Rugby

Video: Check and Double Check

Sleuth: world

2009-08-04 04:59:13 UTC
MassSAVE: Spin faster

It's Your Opinion Trivia: Indifferent

Yahoo Hot Jobs Trivia: I​ am​ unemployed​

Champ or Chump Trivia: a) Earnest Byner

Champions: b) 1982

Games 'n eCards Trivia: Red

Hello, Mr. President: c) Franklin Pierce ​

Hot Music Trivia: c) Everything's Right

Howstuffworks.c​om: Kudzu

Music Challenge: c) Belinda Carlisle

Rock Music Trivia: b) False

Sleuth Trivia:

This Day In U.S History: a) Oceanos

Where In The World?: a) Rugby

New Video of the Day: Check and Double Check
2009-08-04 06:18:29 UTC
Good Morning All


Video: Check and Double Check

HowStuffWorks: kudzu

Yahoo Hot Jobs Trivia: I am unemployed

SmartWay Credit Counciling Trivia: I certify that I am a US Resident over the age of 18 and agree to the Privacy Policy and that I will receive special email offers from our marketing partners.

Sleuth: world

Hotsheet: Still stealing Cinderella

8:50: respect

Behind the scenes: Ross

1:35: Perfect

2009-08-04 17:22:14 UTC
KUPL 98.7 - Portland, Oregon

August 4, 2009

CCQ: Bandits

Napa Cruiser Code??? This is not an easy one!!!

My niece, Abby, turns 3 years old today! I can hardly wait to take her the pink bike that Uncle Bob & Auntie Joy bought her! They grow so fast!!!

I'm glad you had a good time Rose! Weddings are great!

Rx3tech: ROTO-ROOTER??????

N7ybn: We will be in Bend all next week!

God is good! Our background checks have been completed (after 9 weeks of waiting) so maybe we will be able to see our grandchildren now! Please pray for them: Oldest boy is 17, Grandaughter is 16 and the youngest boy is 12!!! They are going through a very difficult time right now and it doesn't look like there is a light at the end of the tunnel yet! They are in God's hands!!!
2009-08-04 05:10:31 UTC

Artist: Reba

Andy's: Hot Fudge Sunday

Nascar: Kasey Kahne (8/3)

Taylor: Billy Goat (8/3)

Yahoo Hot Jobs: I am unemployed

Champions: (b) 1982

Hello, Mr. President: (c) Franklin Pierce

Howstuffworks: Kudzu

This Day in History: (a) Oceanos

Where in the World?: (a) Rugby

Sleuth: World

Video: Check & Double Check

Games: Red
2009-08-04 06:58:16 UTC
Morning Everyone!!

Happy Tuesday!!

The countdown has begun for Friday!!

Have a great day!!

Glad to hear that you had a nice trip Rose!!!

abc worked for; Champions; Hello, Mr. President; This Day in U.S. History; Music Trivia; Where In The World? Videos on Demand

Sleuth Trivia; WORLD

Billion Dollar Babes Trivia; What is the last field you fill in?


SmartWay Credit Counciling Trivia; What does it say next to the box that you need to check before Submitting? I certify that I am a US Resident

Video of the Day Trivia; What is the name of the Full Length Movie that is listed? check

Games 'n eCards Trivia;In the game Crazy Taxi, what color is the flag at the start of the race? red trivia;Ultimate Weeds Quiz. What is the answer to question nine? kudzu

YahooHotJobs trivia;What is this Week's Poll 3rd possible answer? I am unemployed

WRVE The River Albany;

The River Morning Crew's Crankin' Car Tune; Pretty in Pink

9:40 AM PASSWORD; Bully

River Anything Goes Lunch Hour; youll think of me

River Guilty Pleasure Song Of The Day; 1999

Kevin's Mystery Song; none today

Kev's word scramble; none today

River Morning Crew Trivia; OAR

Have a great day!!
2009-08-04 03:35:07 UTC
Good Morning Everyone,

93.7 - MIKEFM & 107.3 - WAAF - Boston, MA

SmartWay Credit Counciling Trivia = I certify that I am a US Resident over the age of 18

Billion Dollar Babes Trivia = Birthday

MassSAVE = Spin faster

It's Your Opinion Trivia = Indifferent

Yahoo Hot Jobs Trivia = I​ am​ unemployed​

Champ or Chump Trivia = a) Earnest Byner

Champions = b) 1982

Games 'n eCards Trivia = Red

Hello, Mr. President = c) Franklin Pierce ​

Hot Music Trivia = c) Everything's Right

Howstuffworks.c​om​ = Kudzu

Music Challenge = c) Belinda Carlisle

New Video Trivia = Robin Williams

Rock Music Trivia = b) False

Sleuth Trivia = World

This Day In U.S History = a) Oceanos

Where In The World? = a) Rugby

Alternatively, you can copy and paste


to get credit on all trivia questions.

rimsk (Mike)
2009-08-04 16:18:26 UTC

#1 Country Song - Any Man of Mine - Shania (Eileen) Twain

Mantel's Video - dog

City of the day - Bratenahl

4:00 Flashback - Jo dee Messina

5:00 Trivia - Beaumont, Texas

Happy Tuesday. We are getting closer to the weekend. I know it's out there somewhere. It sure seems to be awfully far away. This is going to be along week, I can just tell. No reason to take off early and I need to save the vacation time. I want to use it later. I like taking off around the holidays when everyone else has used up their time.

Have a great evening and a great day tomorrow. Go ahead and sleep in again tomorrow Rose. You deserve it.

Stay warm, stay cool, stay safe, stay happy and stay healthy


***edit** just looked at my profile, I have been using this site for a year now.
2009-08-04 04:48:06 UTC
Yahoo Hot Jobs: I am unemployed

Champions: (b) 1982

Country Music Trivia: (a) Fun

Games: Red

Hello, Mr. President: (c) Franklin Pierce

Howstuffworks: kudzu

This Day in History: (a) Oceanos

Where in the World?: (a) Rugby

Good Morning All,

A beautiful day in Philly,

Thanks for all the answers.

Hi Lizzie, your lookin gorgous today.

Phillies are playing tonight . Start time is 7:05

Prince Frederick
2009-08-04 03:53:04 UTC
Good Morning Everyone!

Happy Tuesday!!!!

92.5 XTU Philadelphia, PA

abc worked for the following trivia today…

Country Music, Champions, This Day in U.S. History, Where in the world & Hello, Mr. President.

New Video of the Day Trivia = Check and Double Check

Games 'N Ecards Trivia = red Trivia = Kudzo

Yahoo Hot Jobs Trivia = i'm unemployed

Sleuth = not yet (0804)

For 08/04/09

vacation works for ~~ My 3 Songs, Country Café and Make it or Break it

Prayer to those in need. Hoping everyone gets stronger by the day.

Make it a great day!

Karen :-)
Stacie R
2009-08-04 03:21:20 UTC
Good Morning from Medford, WI!

TRIVIA for 8/04/09:

Champs: b) 1982

Country Music: a) fun

Games: red

President: c) Franklin Pierce

Video: Check and Double Check

NEW New Video: Robin Williams

HowStuffWorks: kudzu

Music: b) Freddie Fender (Before the Next Teardrop Falls was by)

Sleuth: WORLD (use this word on 8/4, and 8/5.)

History: a) Oceanos

World: a) rugby

Yahoo HotJobs: I am unemployed

SmartWay Credit Counseling: I certify that I am a US Resident

Billion Dollar Babes: birthday

BIG CHEESE 107.9, WBCV, Wausau, WI:

Midnight Cheese Cut: We Built This City

Horoscope: fix

Bonus Band: Loverboy

Cheese Sleeze: not confirmed

10 am Cheese Cut: Mony Mony

3 pm Cheese Cut: If You Could Only See

R-Store Trivia: Germany

7 pm Cheese Cut: Rock This Town

Cheese Council: AUGUST09

WAXX 104.5, Eau Claire, WI:

6:12: breakfast

7:12: practical

9:12: puppet

1:12: painting

4:12: world

Smart Alex: iron their clothes

Big 5 Rewind: Toes-Zac Brown Band
2009-08-04 03:53:14 UTC
August 4th Trivia

Yahoo Hot Jobs: I am unemployed

Champions: (b) 1982

Country Music Trivia: (a) Fun

Games: Red

Hello, Mr. President: (c) Franklin Pierce

Howstuffworks: kudzu

This Day in History: (a) Oceanos

Where in the World?: (a) Rugby

Sleuth: world

2009-08-04 09:14:12 UTC
KUPL Portland, OR

Wecome back, Rose11! Glad you had a good time.

We're here for you, rxtech03. You take care of that arm.

Well wishes to all in need.


Hotsheet=Stage Collapse (me)

850=nap (me)

BTS=hot (tnx Don)

850=nap (me)

135=scream (Don)

CCQ=7 Hills (thx n)

535=fairs "

5@7=Boots On (thx rxtech)

735=relief (me)



Hotsheet=still stealing Cinderella







Hidden word=play (Thanks Roxanne and n)

Enjoy the weather. Happy birthdays and anniversarys. I won't be available between 8/9 and 8/23 while we're gunkholing the San Juan Is.

May the blessings be,

2009-08-04 05:20:44 UTC
Thanks Everyone! Thumbs Up!

92.5 XTU Philadelphia

My 3 Songs: Vacation

Country Cafe: Vacation

Make it or Break it: Vacation

ABC for multiple Choice

Video of the Day Trivia: ​Robin Williams

Games 'n eCards Trivia: Red​​

How Stuff Works Trivia: Kudzu​

Yahoo Hot Jobs Trivia: I am unemployed

Billion Dollar Babes Trivia: Birthday

SmartWay Credit Counciling Trivia: I certify that I am a US Resident

Sleuth Trivia: World

Funeral is friday. I'm definitely not looking forward to it :(

Beecher: Thanks so much for asking! My mom is out of the hospital but in a rehab center for now. Atleast 3 weeks or until she is well enough to be home. I've been talking to her everyday and she sounds good. But I know inside she is not. My sister and brother in law have been doing a great job taking care of everything while my mom is unable to.

Thoughts and Prayers for all of those who need them!

A very Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to all who are celebrating today!
2009-08-04 03:20:56 UTC
Hi Everyone - Huntsville, AL

Champions​​: b)​​ 1982​

Country​​ Music​​ Trivia​​: a)​​ Fun​

Country​​ Music​​ Video​​: a)​​ Coffee​

Games​​ 'n​​ eCards​​ (red)​​ Red​​

Hello,​​ Mr.​​ President​​: c)​​ Franklin​ Pierce​

Howstuffworks com​ -​ kudzu​ (ku)

Music Trivia: When did Miley Cyrus' Hannah Montana debut on the Disney Channel? c) 2006

This​​ Day​​ in​​ History​​: a)​​ Oceanos​ ​​

Where​​ in​​ the​​ World?​​ a)​​ Rugby​

Sleuth - world (wor)

Yahoo Hot Jobs Trivia: Do you expect to be working for your current employer a year from now? I am unemployed (un)

NEW New Video: Robin Williams (Wi_

SmartWay Credit Counseling: I certify that I am a US Resident (cer)

Billion Dollar Babes: birthday (bi)

Have a great day
2009-08-04 19:56:40 UTC
Hot Sheet: Still Stealing Cinderella 8:50a.-respect BTS-Ross 1:35p.-perfect KCCQ (KUPL'S Curiously Confounding Question)-The Bandit 5:35p.-Stu 5@7-Alright 7:35p.-rodeo Roxanne
2009-08-04 08:35:39 UTC
98.7 KUPL Portland, OR

Good Morning All!

Hotsheet: Still Stealing Cinderella

Word of The Day

8:50 - Respect

1:35 - Perfect

5:35 -

7:35 -

Billion Dollar Babes: Birthday

Behind The Scenes: Ross

Thanks everyone for help with yesterdays answers. Michael had a great 21st birthday! Even won $55 his 1st time playing the slots!

He said to tell everyone Thanks for all the birthday wishes.

Get my elbow drained again at 2:00, so will need some help in late afternoon/early evening. Thanks in advance.

Have a fantastic day everyone! Prayers for all, we can all use them.


2009-08-04 07:37:28 UTC
Champs: b) 1982

Country Music: a) fun

Games: red

President: c) Franklin Pierce

Video: Check and Double Check

HowStuffWorks: kudzu

Music: b) Freddie Fender (Before the Next Teardrop Falls was by)

Sleuth: WORLD (use this word on 8/4, and 8/5.)

History: a) Oceanos

World: a) rugby

Yahoo HotJobs: I am unemployed
2009-08-04 04:57:20 UTC

5​ O'CLOCK​ TRIVIA​ -​ (bea)​ -​ Where​ does​ Tracy​ and​ his​ Family​ live?​ -​ Beaumont,​ Texas.​

4​ O'CLOCK​ FLASHBACK​ -​ (jod)​ -​ Jo​ Dee​ Messina - Thats the Way - 2000

Smartway​ -​ I​ certify​ that​ I​ am​ a​ US​ Resident​ over​ the​ age​ of​ 18​ and​ agree​ to​ the​ Privacy​ Policy​ and​ that​ I​ will​ receive​ special​ email​ offers​ from​ our​ marketing​ partners.​ -​ (cer)​

Billion​ Dollar​ Babes​ -​ Birthday​ -​ (bi)​

NEW​​​ Video​​​ 0f​​​ the​​​ Day​​​ -​​​ Robin​ Williams​ -​ (wi)​

Mantel's​​ Video​​ -​​ Dog​​ -​​ (dog)​​

SLEUTH - "WORLD" - (wor)

Posh​ Portraits​ -​ $100.00​ -​ (100)

Magnet​ -​ Northeast​ Ohio​ -​ (ohi)

Yahoo Hot Jobs​ -​ I​ am​ unemployed​ -​ (un)​ -​ kudzu​ -​ (ku)

CITY​​ of​​ the​​ Day​​ -​​ (bra)​​ -​​ Bratenahl​​

#1​​ Country​​ Artist​​ -​​ (sha)​​ -​​ Shania​​ Twain​ - Any man of mine - 1995

Champions​​ (b)​​ -​​ 1982​

Country​​ Music​​ Trivia​​ (a)​​ -​​ Fun​

Country​​ Music​​ Video​​ (a)​​ -​​ Coffee​

Games​​ 'n​​ eCards​​ (red)​​ -​ Red​​

Hello,​​ Mr.​​ President​​ (c)​​ -​​ Franklin​ Pierce​

This​​ Day​​ in​​ History​​ (a)​​ -​ Oceanos​ ​​

Where​​ in​​ the​​ World?​​ (a)​​ -​​ Rugby​

C&P​​​ -​​​ 100WoReDogOhiKUnBrAShaWiBiJodCerBea
likes to talk
2009-08-04 10:41:33 UTC
Billion Dollar Babes Trivia: birthday
2009-08-04 05:08:25 UTC
KYKX 105.7 Longview, TX 4 Aug 2009


705 - laugh

805 - giggle

1205 - chuckle

505 - snicker

twitter -

Sleuth - world

Games 'n eCards Trivia - red

Howstuffworks.c​om​ ​- kudzu

hotjobs - I am unemployed

Video of the Day Trivia - robin williams

Where In The World - a

Champions - b

Hello, Mr. President - c

Country Music Trivia - a
2009-08-04 03:18:53 UTC
Just got home from a free concert.Our park dist. have free concerts during the summer.Tonight was the last one for this year.The band is called Tin Horse and they have a web site(Tin

If anyone want to help Rose get Doris best answer for July31. Vote best answer for the one that says

Good Morning

Have a great weekend Rose.Thanks for the birthday wishes for Peter!

WUSN(US 99)Chicago,Illinois

Music Committee(7/13)-Rascal Flatts

Music Committee(7/27)-Brad Paisley


Andy's(Tuesday)-hot fudge sundae

Nascar code(Tuesday)-racin'

Taylor Swift(Tuesday)-Lincoln Park Zoo



Access 109-Summer Nights

Access 110--Big and Rich

It takes only 1-3 letters to get the points


Morgan#20-toby KEIth


Artist-randy houSER

Driver-DAVid reutimann


Karen Kritter-BOUncer


Video of the day-WI

Billion Dollar Babies-BI



Yahoo Hot Job-i am UNemployed

Sleuth-WOR(good for 8/3,8/4 and 8/5)

Team-NEW york mets


Listener Advisory(7/30)-STAte fair

Newsletter(7/30)-dARRyl worley

2009-08-04 11:47:56 UTC

WBEE 92.5 - WBZA 98.9 - WPXY 97.9 - WCMF 96.5

(Rochester, NY)


PXY - Moist

BEE Artist - Zac Brown Band

BEE Song - Chicken Fried

WCMF Password (12:30) - Manhattan (Boroughs of NY)

WCMF Password (3:30) - Mercury Cougar (Cars)


BUZZ Rock/WCMF Rock - A

PXY Pop Music - B

BEE Country - A


Video - Robin Williams

SmartWay Credit - I certify that I am a

Billion Dollar Babes - Birthday

Yahoo Hot Jobs - I am unemployed

Champions - B

Games 'n eCards - Red

Hello Mr. President - C

How Stuff Works - Kudzu

Sleuth - World

This Day in U.S. History - A

Where in the World - A

Big E
2009-08-04 05:17:02 UTC
8/4/09 (Phoenix, AZ)

****Word of the Day****

92.3 FM KTAR Reward

8:15am: ……..……………… POWER BILL

11:20am: …………………… CONSPIRACY

2:03pm: ……..……………… AUGUST

3:20pm: ……..……………… LIBERIA

8:20pm: ……..……………… BACK UP

620 AM KTAR All-Stars

5:55: ….………………… LABRUM

8:55: ….………………… DEBRIDEMENT

OT: ….………………….. DIARY

G&A: .………………….. TAKE AWAY

Jon Bloom's Word of the Day 8/1: …. ORTIZ



Sleuth Trivia ………………. WORLD

Champions: ………………. b) 1982

Hello Mr. President: ……… c) Franklin Pierce

This Day in History: ……… a) Oceanos

Where in the World? …….. a) Rugby

Cort Trivia .................................... 10% off any living room set

Frank Sinatra Trivia .................... FROM HERE TO ETERNITY

Aerosmith Trivia ……………….... BOSTON

Arizona Cardinals Trivia ………... RUNNING BACK

Arizona Diamondbacks Trivia …. DOUG SLATEN

Phoenix Suns Trivia …………...... GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS


****Bonus Codes****

92.3 FM KTAR Reward

Rewards Insider 7/24: ................. UNIFIED

Mac & Gaydos Twitter code 7/31 .... DISC JOCKEY

620 AM KTAR All-Stars

Dan Weiss LIVE at Gateway Chevrolet ...... 25 YEARS

Fort McDowell 25 Years: August ............. SILVER PLATTER

G&A Majerles 7/30 ........................ 3POINTER

All-Star Insider Bonus 07/28…….… CHAMP CAMP

All Star Insider Newsletter 8/3 ......... FLAGSTAFF

Camelback Ranch Open House ...... ROOKIE LEAGUE

Text CARDS for Points …………...… 09NFCCHAMPS

Text DBACKS for Points ................. 2001Champs

Text DEVILS for Points .................. Pac10

Text SUNS for Points .................... 41years

AZ Lottery CODES!!!!

8/10 - Ridenow

8/11 - Polaris

8/12 - Lottery

8/13 -

8/14 - 2by2

Burnsy Bonus 08/03: .......... PACE

Burnsy Bonus 08/04: .......... YUSMEIRO

Burnsy Bonus 08/05: .......... "---" 3 Dashes, Use early

2009-08-04 13:08:47 UTC
Hi, Guys.

Condolences to Country and Bucsanducks. I am so sorry. (Bucs--how is mom doing? She, too, was ill---right? I am feeling for your family, especially mom.) (Country--my goodness. So young.) May all find peace.

Happy Belated Birthdays, Mary & Balerie (Tap-Tap) Sorry I missed them.

Streetpiper---IF you do get "notified", I'm your date. I'll even shine your "BAGPIPES"!! (keep it clean, Prince)

Not feeling too great lately. Hopefully, it's the knee pain finally taking it's toll. We'll see. I'll be popping in and out, when I can, but always thinking of my Buds.

Luv to all, and all for Luv!


B : )
2009-08-04 04:39:31 UTC
Good Morning,


Happy Birthday goes out to my sister Sheryl Kinder..

(Artist) Reba



Daily Prayers for all Yahoo Families and Friends..

Special Prayers go out for RR Brad and His Family...

To continue getting healthy and strong...

Happy Birthday / Happy Anniversary to All Celebrating Today!!

Have a Great Day !!

2009-08-04 06:02:24 UTC
Reward codes for Ktar 92.3 & 620

98.7 The Peak


Sleuth --- world (again)

cort furniture --- 10 % off any living room set


Ktar 92.3

8:20 am --- power bill

11:20 am --- test

2 03pm ---

3:20pm ---

8:20pm ---

Insider code 7/24 --- unified

Mac and gaydos twitter --- disc jockey


ktar 620

5:55 am --- labrum

8:55 am --- use dashes early

Over time --use dashes early

2:00 p.m. --

John Bloom – 8-01 --- Ortiz

Dan Weiss at chevy --- 25 years

fort mc dowell aug code --- the silver platter

G&A at majerle’s --- three pointers

Sports legends challenge -- legends

Allstar insider 8/03 --- Flagstaff

Burnsey bonus 8/04– use (---) early


98.7the peak

11:25 peak legends --- use dashes early

Music trivia --- used dashes early

Frt. Mcdowell monthly code aug. ---

Ariz Milk Producers --- Chill the Valley

Streaming code--- summer

E-mail code -7/15 --- neon
2009-08-04 03:27:34 UTC
Classic Rock Challenge: a) The Doors

Classic Video On Demand: a) Soft piano music and a view of the fireplace

Thanks for the help with the others.

As always, many prayers for everyone.

I hope everyone has a great day.
2009-08-04 17:26:09 UTC
WRVE 99.5 The River

8pm pressure

new vidio answer: Robin Williams
2009-08-04 06:25:02 UTC
98.7 KUPL Portland, Oregon


Hotsheet - still stealing Cinderella

8:50 - respect

1:35 - perfect

CQuestion -

5:35 -

5@7 -


Behind the scene - Ross

Recap for 8/3

Hotsheet - Stage Collape

8:50 - nap

1:35 - scream

CQuestion - seven hills

5:35 - fairs

5@7 - Boots On

7:35 - relief
2009-08-04 04:18:19 UTC

Artist of the Day – Reba

Andy's Frozen Custard Code – Hot Fudge Sundae

Nascar Rewards Code – Kasey Kahne (Monday)

Taylor Swift Rewards Code – Billy Goat (Monday)
2009-08-04 03:38:11 UTC
Champs= b) 1982

Country Music= a) fun

Games= red

President= c) Franklin Pierce

HowStuffWorks= kudzu

Music= b) Freddie Fender

Sleuth= WORLD

History= a) Oceanos

World= a) rugby

Yahoo HotJobs= I am unemployed
Jeff R
2009-08-04 20:23:15 UTC
WWYZ 92.5





Mr Pres-c





New video-wi

Yahoo HotJobs-un


Billion dollar-bi

New Liberty bank survey



Kat's station-Y

Kat's Lunch-W

Wendy's station-B

Wendy's drive-D

2009-08-04 14:55:11 UTC
KILT 100.3 Houston, Texas

Have A Great Day Ya'LL

10 I Pod: Joey

1 I Pod: All I Want To Do

Cha: B

Cmt: A

Gam: Red

Hel: C

His: A

Whe: A

VID: Check & Double Check

May Ya'LL Have A Blessed Day and that ALL of your prayers are answered...............LOL...............ME
2009-08-04 05:16:16 UTC

Bonus Link:

Hidden Word: Play ( )


Hotsheet: Still Stealing Cinderella

8:50: Respect

BTS: Ross

1:35: Perfect

CCQ: Bandit

5:35: Stu

Hot 5: Alright

7:35: Rodeo


CCQ: 7 Hills

5:35: Fairs

Hot 5: Boots On

7:35: Relief

I had a very busy weekend. The concert was fabulous, so much great talent. Seven hours of music (well almost, they did have stage resets)! The M&G on the bus was awesome. First we met at a booth that KMPS (Seattle station) had set up. After Lady Antebellum had a live interview, they whisked us off in a van to the "Bus" which Hillary said was ugly. It was a mustard yellow, but didn't seem ugly to me. The whole way there Hillary was busy texting someone. I sat next to her in the van. My best friend sat next to Dave. When we got on their bus, Dave offered everyone a bottle of water. After talking for a little while (there was one other winner from Bremmerton and her guest) Charles got up and got himself a beer. He then offered one to the rest of us. They started to give us a tour of the bus, but some band members in the back stopped them! We did see their sleeping bunks. I have no clue how those tall people fit in them! They were three high, a total of twelve bunks, six on each side. Hillary is 5'10'' and is the shortest! Then the representatives from KMPS took our picture with Lady Antebellum and we got to walk back in the heat to the KMPS booth (escorted), we went by Montgomery Gentry's bus, but didn't see them around. We spent about half an hour hanging with them talking. I did tell them that Fred was looking forward to seeing them again. Dave acted like he remembered who Fred was! I haven't received the pics from the station yet. Charles gave us a Sun City Carnival Tour collector cup that they each signed. I didn't see anyone else with those cups, so don't think they are available to the public. I left my "concert" shirt (that I take for getting signed) in the hotel room in my haste to get to the M&G on time! A group pic with Lady A: I'm in the back between the two good looking guys! And here we are in front of the bus:

On my way home I stopped to see my sister. Bob was sent home from the hospital on Hospice, so we had an extra hour of driving each way to go to their house. He didn't look good at all, but was cognizent of everything going on around him. They were actually successful getting him to eat a little too.

2009-08-04 13:33:14 UTC

cct -pretty in pink

940 -bully

1200 - You'll Think Of Me

115 -1999

how -kudzu

where -a rugby

music -c 2006

games -red

history -a oceanos

prez -c pierce

vid triv -b 3

video -Check and Double Check

champ. -b 1982

kev's word -

kev's song -

sleuth -world

opinion -Indifferent

mct -oar

love -

pharma -

sleep -

reward tri. -

homescan -

jobs -i am unemployed
2009-08-04 06:11:11 UTC

Here are the KTAR Sports 620 All-Star Rewards Answers for 08-04-09:


D&W Word of the Day 5:55am…………….....LABRUM

D&W Word of the Day 8:55am…………….....DEBRIDEMENT

D&W Overtime Word of the Day…………......DIARY

G&A Word of the Day 2:00pm……………......Type in 3 Dashes (---) Before 12:30pm

John Bloom’s 08/01 Word of the Day………..ORTIZ


“Champions” Trivia Answer……………...........B) 1982

“Hello Mr. President” Trivia Answer…….….....C) FRANKLIN PIERCE

“Sleuth” Trivia Answer……………………........WORLD (Use 8/3, 8/4, & 8/5)

“This Day in US History” Trivia Answer….......A) OCEANOS

“Where in the World” Trivia Answer…….........A) RUGBY

“Cort Furniture” Trivia Answer…….................B) 10% OFF OF ANY LIVING ROOM SET


Dan Weiss at Gateway Chevy………………...25 Years

All-Star Insider Bonus 08/03…………………..FLAGSTAFF

Dbacks Lottery 2x2 08/10/09………………….RIDENOW POWERSPORTS

Dbacks Lottery 2x2 08/11/09………………….POLARIS

Dbacks Lottery 2x2 08/12/09………………….ARIZONA LOTTERY

Dbacks Lottery 2x2 08/13/09………………….

Dbacks Lottery 2x2 08/14/09………………….NEW 2BY2

G&A Live at Majerle’s 07/30…………………..3POINTER

All-Star Insider Bonus 07/28…………………..CHAMP CAMP

Camelback Ranch Open House………………ROOKIE LEAGUE

Sports Legends Challenge…………………....LEGENDS

Cort Furniture Bonus 07/08…………………...SAVEUPTO70

All-Star Insider Bonus 07/14…………………..ROLLCALL

Ft McDowell 25th Anniversary (August)……..SILVER PLATTER

E-Mail Candi – Brake Masters………………..QUESTIONCANDI


The Burnsy Bonus 08/04…………………..….3 Dashes (---) Type in Early, could change

The Burnsy Bonus 08/03…………………..….PACE


Text “SUNS” for Points…………………..…....41YEARS

Text “DEVILS” for Points……………………....PAC10

Text “DBACKS” for Points………………….....2001CHAMPS

Text “CARDS” for Points……………………....09NFCCHAMPS

Domo Arigato - Have a Great Day…
J w
2009-08-04 03:28:36 UTC
Good Morning

Country 95.3

6 - blue

7 - chair

8 - mouse

11 - pink

2 - table

4 - stand

6 - orange

Greyhound Trivia - 7, 14 and 21-day Advance Purchase fares

Sleuth - world

Dinner - knife

HotStuffWorks Trivia - kudzu

Games - red

Have a good one and my thoughts and prayers are with you all

JW :)
2009-08-04 05:43:13 UTC
Q107 Toronto

8:20: pious

11:15: bash

Sleuth: world

Club Q: vacation
2009-08-04 04:24:36 UTC
Good Morning Longview Texas

kykx 105.7











Yahoo Hot Jobs =Do you expect to be working for your current employer a year from now? I am unemployed (un)





2009-08-04 10:16:39 UTC
US 99.5 Chicago

Nascar - Kasey Kahne

Taylor Swift - Billy Goat

Artist - Reba

Andy's - Hot Fudge Sundae

Prayers for all - we all need them. Extra special prayers for all of our little ones, those with extra needs and those with special requests. Prayers of thanks for all of our prayers that have been answered.

Extra special prayers for Country and RRBrad and their families.

Have a good day and get those jokes ready for tomorrow. I'm looking forward to them.

jcm (Janet)
David S
2009-08-04 04:18:47 UTC
US 99 Artist of the Day

2009-08-04 03:55:02 UTC
* Good Morning Friends *

Country Music Trivia = A

Hello Mr. President: = C

This Day in US History = A

Where in the world = A

* Have a Good Day *

~ Don ~
2009-08-04 12:18:26 UTC
Ra-cha-cha Rocks!

WCMF: Manhat/Mercury

98PXY: Moist

WBEE: Zac/Chic

Kar....thanks for "moist"
Gene K
2009-08-04 10:51:09 UTC

Andy - Hot Fudge Sundae

NASCAR - Racin'
2009-08-04 14:19:06 UTC
Typing in all 3 letters (A&B&C) all @ once, will give you points for most trivia

2009-08-04 11:32:53 UTC
92.3 KTAR 08/04/09

8:15 power bill

11:20 conspiracy
2009-08-04 05:28:19 UTC
artist - reba

andys - hot fudge sundae

nascar - racin'

champions - b

country trivia - a

country video - a

games - red

hello - c

howstuffworks - kudzu

this day - a

where - a

2009-08-04 05:00:52 UTC
WRVE, 99.5, Albany, NY

CCT : Pretty In Pink
2009-08-04 07:30:18 UTC
us99 trivia -

artist - Reba

Access110 - big & rich

Have a good day :)

2009-08-04 06:21:42 UTC
KUPL 98.7

new video-check and double check
2009-08-04 06:11:48 UTC
video of day "check and double check" ch works
2009-08-04 11:04:20 UTC
o.k. how long does it take us99 to notify winners of which i probably am NOT!
Kim A
2009-08-04 04:02:39 UTC
Good morning everyone!

Country 95.3 words:



8-? missed it (thanks girls!)




Sleuth: world

Dinner: knife

HowStuffWorks Trivia: kudzu

Games Trivia: red

Have a good one!

2009-08-04 03:23:29 UTC








have a great day.

thanks kim and jw for the birthday wishes. had a great time with the grandkids!

2009-08-04 05:26:24 UTC

95.7 WRIT: MY CLUB, Milwaukee, WI

AUGUST 4, 2009


MURPH'S TURF = (none, Murph's is still on vac.)

2009-08-04 03:31:27 UTC
abc for trivias

Artist is Reba


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.