2009-08-04 03:16:28 UTC
August Birthday’s & Anniversary’s: Balerie 2nd, Mary 2nd, Michael 3rd 21st! (rxtech03 son),My Anniversary our 25th! 12th, Don 15th (mr. sheb12) Molly W 15th, Mine 19th!, countryRN27 27th,
Prayers are still being said daily for all of our Trivia Friends and Family and hoping all will continue to get stronger as each day passes. Wish the list would get small one of these days, not keep getting longer! :(
Thumbs up one and all Remember to come back and give thumbs up to those who have answered after you. I pick from all over the answers! not just from the first few folks.
I also try and rotate between new and older contacts.
Any other birthdays out there I don't have and you would like me to have????
Noticed many new names welcome! and some not seen for a while, nice to see them.
Thank You all for your help! Wish yahoo would fix themselves again so we get emails on questions we want!