2009-07-09 03:49:17 UTC
July birthday ’s & anniversary’s:rxtech03’s daughter Samantha 1st., n7ybn’s grandson Dakota 3rd. (7yrs old), Sheb12 & Don ann 4th 30yrs!, Brittnee 9th (hueydriver64’s daughter she is ten) Tom 16th, n7ybn’s son Richard 19th, Earthangels720 20th, Doris’s daughter Rachel 20th, Mr. Cindy W 26th., Pete 31st. etiegs 31st.
enter # 22602 in search box upper right side
Happy Tenth Birthday Brittnee!
Prayers are still being said daily for all of our Trivia Friends and Family and hoping all will continue to get stronger as each day passes.
Has was put in a answer here yesterday late:
Well although it's been awhile between updates, we are sure that today's will brighten everyone's day!
Lincoln will be having surgery (hopefully the LAST!) on Thursday at 1:00pm to have a G tube put in. This is a minor surgery, but still a surgery nonetheless. So please pray for the little guy as he goes through yet another procedure.
They will be inserting a feeding tube (G tube) directly into his stomach. This is the tube he will come home with, and it is what he will be fed through until he gets bottle feeding down on a consistent basis. It is supposed to take roughly a week for his feedings to get on a normal schedule after the tube it put in...
And now for the GREAT NEWS....the Doctor has finally given us the awesome news that he gets to come HOME late next week!! So please pray that everything goes perfectly in the procedure and that the feedings through the G tube go great as well. We know that God is more than capable of making this happen!
We are SO excited that the day is almost here!! And thank you again for sticking by us and Lincoln in prayer for the past 7 months - words cannot say how much we appreciate all that you mean to us! Thanks again and we will keep you updated as the week goes on!
His family has to be very happy! :)
Thank You all advance for your help!