L&W - MuLosBrOutMaRasThoSky
Thanks Kenny, Nana, Janet, Stephen, DaveN, Jenni, Gary, Gloria, Linda
Country Music - Fear and insecurity
Discover - A stringer is the staircase's frame, on which the individual stairs will rest. You can buy pre-cut stringers at many hardware stores - Str
Discover II - The roof overlay should be installed over the roof frame. Roof overlay is a type of building paper. - Ove
Discover III - A beveled transition will help the wheelchair get back to a parallel position without the chair getting stuck on a sharp corner - Bev
Healthcare - 240 million people worldwide are missing one or all of their teeth, and 32 million Americans wear dentures - MIs
Healthcare II - Raspy - Ras
Healthcare III - lung cancer - Lun
Healthcare IV -
How Stuff Works - both of the above - Abo
How Stuff Works II - coarse aggregate - Agg
How Stuff Works III - 180 degrees Fahrenheit (82C) - 82c
Satisfy Your Curiousity - Both A and B - Bot
Blinded by Science - Distance divided by time
Jeopardy - What is Wisconsin?
Weekends - This One's For You
Games - 60
Cafe - Raspberries? - Ras
Team - Los Angeles Angels? - Los
Town - Brown Deer ? – Bro
Facebook - SKY glider
Summerfest - Thompson Square - Tho
Artist - Thompson Square - Tho
Music – Weavers
Vintage Video – Yellow
Summerfest – Mar
In Word – Out
Music – False
Video – Bicycle
Summerfest – KATy perry
Katy Perry @ Summerfest - Teenage Dream - Tee
EBlast - Last Chance - Las
Music - False