2009-12-14 19:47:35 UTC
December Birthday’s & Anniversary's: Lincoln 5th (1st birthday god willing!), Lew 11th (mr. sharp_sue), Pincio 13th( hope she is okay not been here since summer?), tjcmstables 15th, Cindy W 17th, Prince Fred 23rd, Tennis addict 25th, Becca 29th, Jeff R 30th, JW & her Mister 31st (26 years!) Nancykep 31st.
Happy Birthday Stagelady!
http://ww4.1800flowers.com/product.do?baseCode=16878&dataset=10147&cm_cid=d10147 (like how these look)
Prayers are still being said daily for all of our Trivia Friends and Family and hoping all will continue to get stronger as each day passes. Extra said as needed. and it's needed!
Just a FYI Thursdays question will be asked later then normal as I'm seeing Kellie Pickler!
Who will be first today?!
Thank you all in advance.