2010-01-26 20:16:24 UTC
January Birthdays & Anniversarys:Grandmom3 (NancyK) 6th (44th ann), blondie 8th, Dakota 16th (Stacie R son’s),Carole 19th (my mom in law! she is the best), JP 23 on the 23rd (my son),Dustin the DustBall 27th (beechers grandboy)
Happy Birthday Dustin! Try and share with your grandma.
getting the next months list ready any missing dates for next month??
Prayers are still being said daily for all of our Trivia Friends and Family and hoping all will continue to get stronger as each day passes.
all of the stations have more/different trivia, it's nice. Also US99 has links again, only get 100 pts but it's something.
Thank You in advance!